Aviano Baptist Church
About Church
The congregation at ABC consists of a diverse population of approximately 95
regular attendees and 85 members; with a seating capacity of approximately 130.
We are an English-speaking church composed almost entirely of military members
and their families from various denominational backgrounds.
We are a multi-generational, international church, but considering most of our
congregation is military or related to the Aviano Air Base in some capacity, the
average age of our congregation is relatively young compared to most churches.
Serving a military population can create drastic fluctuations in attendance; most of
our congregation turns over every 3 years. Additionally, the transient nature of a
military church can bring difficulties to areas that a lot of stateside churches take
for granted such as a steady volunteer base, actively engaged regular attendees, etc.
However, over the 50 years the church has been established, ABC has been blessed
to have all of its needs and more met by both its faithful members and regular