Churches added to the Founders Church Search must meet the following criteria:

  • The church must have a live website or social media account that includes a physical address and contact information.
  • The church must hold to a doctrine of credobaptism.
  • The church must affirm at least one of the following confessions:
    • Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)
    • First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1644/1646)
    • Abstract of Principles
    • New Hampshire Confession of Faith
    • Baptist Faith & Message 2000
  • The church is asked to list any statements that they may affirm from the following:
    • Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy
    • Danvers Statement
    • Nashville Statement
    • Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel (Dallas)
  • The church is asked to list any denominational or network affiliations they may have.
  • The church must share values in common with Founders Ministries.
  • The church must express why they want to be identified with Founders Ministries and its Church Search.
  • The church must not have female pastoral staff.