Log in to Founders Church/Job Search

Create a church account

Please complete the form below if you would like to apply to add your church to our database. Once approved, your church profile will be active and visible. You will then be able to log in, complete or update your church’s profile, and submit job listings. Only church staff or authorized representatives may register.

Church Email *
Password *
Confirm Password *
Church Name *
Pastor Name *
Your Name *
Your Role *
Church Phone Number *
Church Mailing Address *
Church City & State *
Church Zipcode *
State / Country *
Church Map Address *
We affirm that our church does not have any women serving on pastoral staff *
Church Affiliation *

Select all that apply

Confessions We Affirm *

Select all that apply

Statements of Faith We Affirm *

Select all that apply

What values does your church share in common with Founders Ministries? *
Why do you want to be identified with Founders Ministries? *