Emmanuel Bible Church
About Church
Emmanuel Bible Church exists to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. We hold these distinctives dear to us:
1. We seek the glory of god
We believe that the church’s chief end (and the individual’s) in this life is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. This means that our fellowship is driven not by personal preference or convenience, but by the aim to bring ultimate glory to our great God and King through joy-filled faith in his word.
2. We are directed by god’s sufficient word
We believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word and contains all that we need for life and godliness. Therefore, as a church, we deem the Scriptures to be the sufficient means by which we order the worship and ministry of our body.
3. We keep the gospel central
We believe that the gospel is the central storyline of the Scriptures, which tells the message of God’s redemption of sinful humanity through the work of God’s sinless Son, Jesus Christ. Because we believe this to be true about Scripture, we believe this gospel should also be at the forefront of all our ministries and efforts as a church.
4. We treasure the doctrines of grace
The total depravity of man, the unconditional nature of election, particular redemption, irresistible grace, and the preservation of the saints are doctrines that we hold dear as a body. We cherish them for their ability to expound the sovereign nature of God’s grace and their ability to foster humility, joy, and gratitude in our hearts. We preach them with boldness and yet charity.
5. We are prayerfully dependent
It is our conviction that one of the greatest benefits Christ grants to us through his life, death, resurrection, and ascension is the grace-giving instrument of prayer. Therefore, we prioritize prayer on Sunday mornings and rely heavily upon it for the spiritual health and success of our members and our ministries.
6. We cherish corporate worship
Christ is committed to the strengthening and purifying of his church by his grace. We believe one important way, if not the main way, Christ does this is through his means of grace during corporate worship. The preaching and reading of God’s word, prayer, singing, and the sacraments/ordinances are the trusted means by which Christ builds his church. Therefore, we consider it our greatest privilege and advantage to attend the gathering in which our Lord distributes such marvelous grace.
7. We are committed to faithful one-anothering
The New Testament epistles are replete with commands that many have classified as the “one-anothers.” We’re commanded as members of a local church to forbear with, forgive, exhort, rebuke, correct, serve, and love one another. At EBC, we commit, by way of covenant, to use our gifts and abilities to fulfill these duties (and more) to one another. In other words, we commit to involve ourselves regularly in deep mutual discipleship.
8. We are eager for missions
We believe the Lord Jesus will accomplish what he has commanded his church to do—that is, evangelize and disciple the nations. Therefore, we are eager to use our resources and utilize our people to fulfill Christ’s mission in our land and across the nations.
9. We prioritize the family
We believe that healthy churches are filled with healthy families. Therefore, we disciple our men and women, both young and old, to be faithful to their family roles. We teach men to sacrificially lead their wives while teaching women to submit lovingly to their husbands out of reverence for Christ. We strengthen parents to be disciplers in their homes and we encourage children to obey their parents, for this pleases the Lord.