Grace Family Baptist Church of North Houston
About Church
Grace Family Baptist Church is a Reformed Baptist Church that holds to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. All church officers fully subscribe the the 1689.
Our Vision: To be a kingdom-minded, Christ-exalting, multigenerational community of faith.
Being “kingdom-minded” is more than just a slogan. It means that we believe in things like evangelism and missions, church planting, and benevolence ministries.
We are also Christ-exalting. We believe that Jesus Christ is the head of His church and He has given us Scripture to dictate how His church is to be led. We exalt Christ in worship by only doing those things that God commands, including weekly communion.
GfBC believes in having a multigenerational vision for life. We rejoice in the gift of children and believe that every child is precious in the sight of God. Not only do we believe children are a gift, but we also give honor to those who are older and more mature in the faith by honoring Titus 2-type relationships.
All of this is wrapped up in our community of faith. We are a group that is united by covenant with one another. We enjoy biblical fellowship through hospitality and we preserve unity through loving church discipline.
Our Mission: To proclaim the supremacy of Christ to every man with a view towards Biblical conversion and comprehensive discipleship.
Proclaiming Christ begins with preaching. GfBC is committed to systematic, redemptive-historical, Christ-centered exposition. We believe in clearly defining our doctrine and theology, and we will use other books, tracts, and teaching tools to help us do so.
Proclaiming Christ to all men means that we must reach beyond ourselves and those that are already like-minded. We are intentional about reaching people groups around the city of Houston and throughout the world.
Churches that emphasize Biblical conversion are churches that take the Gospel seriously. We carefully examine professed converts and look for signs of repentance and faith. We are especially patient with children. We do not have an invitation at GfBC and we do not baptize young children.
Once someone is in the faith, there is more work to be done. Those people must be engaged in comprehensive discipleship. We disciple our members through the preaching and teaching ministry of GfBC which includes small groups, leadership training, family discipleship, catechism, and an emphasis on Christian education.