Redeemer Church KG

540.848.4849 540.848.4*** show
Open Jobs - 0

About Church

We are a group of people who have been brought together by our Lord Jesus Christ as a body of believers who seek to glorify him in all that we do. We are learning to care for and minister to each other. And we want to reach those who are lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ as we do our part to fulfill the Great Commission in King George County and around the world. Through the Word of God and by the working of the Holy Spirit, we strive to know Christ more fully and in his presence experience the fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (Ps. 16:11).

Church Affiliation
Southern Baptist Convention
Confessions We Affirm
New Hampshire Confession of Faith, 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689)
Statements of Faith We Affirm
The Nashville Statement