Resurrection Church
About Church
Resurrection Church is a Reformed Baptist, non-denominational church, which means we look to the Bible as our sole rule of faith and practice. As a framework for our faith and practice, and to set us apart from other churches, we recognize the importance of expressing our beliefs through a confession of faith. Therefore, Resurrection Church subscribes to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This doctrine, our statement of faith, is foundational for our values below:
Christ Centered – Our sole mission is to glorify the Person and work of Jesus Christ to Niceville and the nations. The church is called out to gather together to celebrate Him. Therefore, our worship services endeavor to provide preaching, praying, praise, and public proclamation of Scripture to that end.
Confessional – Resurrection Church confesses who we are and where we stand doctrinally as a Church. All members affirm our membership covenant and statement of faith. We subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith as our doctrinal standard.
Covenantal – Resurrection Church believes that God uses the covenantal framework in relation to man. There are not many dispensations of God, but two covenants, the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace.
Communion – We value gathering around the Lord’s table in communion as a visible sign of our obedience to the good news of Jesus Christ. Therefore, we partake of the elements of bread and wine weekly. It is a visible reminder of the assurance we have in Christ’s sacrifice in His life, death, and resurrection.
Community – Jesus said you will know His disciples by their love for one another. We want to grow in love for one another, our communities, and our city. Our people meet in homes, coffee shops, and other places for mission, accountability, fellowship, and evangelism.