Sylvania Church
About Church
Sylvania Church in Tyler, TX, is centered on the gospel. And we’re committed to expository preaching, biblical fellowship, and making disciples. Theologically, we’re a reformed Southern Baptist church. And we want to see Jesus treasured (Matthew 13:44) not only here in Tyler, but everywhere on earth.
As it relates to fellowship, we prioritize deep, spiritually beneficial relationships. And developing those kinds of relationships requires time and effort. So, from lunch hangouts and dinner gatherings to play dates and cookouts, our people look for ways to be together and care for each other outside our weekly gatherings. And there’s a particular sweetness to that.
And those relationships often begin during Wednesday night meals, Sunday school classes, and/or small groups. Or just inviting someone to lunch after church on Sunday. So, don’t sprint to your car after the benediction! 😉
Ways to Explore Sylvania Church
- Listen to sermons online
- Learn what we believe
- Explore our ministries
- Join us for worship (service times & directions below)
Worship Times:
- 9:00 am – Bible Study
- 10:20 am – Worship
- 5:00 pm – Dinner
- 6:00 pm – Services
* See our calendar for exceptions.