Trinity Baptist Church

765-286-8866 765-286-8*** show
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About Church

Trinity Baptist Church is a congregation of approximately 100 people (75 on a typical Sunday) characterized by friendliness, transparency, and a sincere hunger to trust and obey God’s word. Our mission is to see everyone mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28), beginning in our community and then extending to the ends of the earth. We are strongly committed to expositional preaching, sequential Bible study, a Reformational understanding of the gospel, sound doctrine, corporate prayer, blended but conservative worship music, global missions, and healthy Christian relationships.  Our church building is located about 3 minutes from Ball State University campus and over the years we have had many students attend our congregation.  Visit our website for more info.

Church Affiliation
General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Confessions We Affirm
New Hampshire Confession of Faith
Statements of Faith We Affirm
The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, The Danvers Statement, The Nashville Statement