Trinity Fellowship
About Church
Trinity Fellowship exists to herald the glory of God over all creation. By God’s grace, we desire to be a warm and welcoming church family. Our aim is to be marked by a healthy recognition of the wideness of God’s Kingdom while at the same time be unwavering and unapologetic in our commitment to the absolute authority, inerrancy, and sufficiency of Scripture.
Recognizing the history and unity of the church means that we affirm the ancient ecumenical creeds of the early church (The Apostle’s Creed [2nd Century A.D.], The Nicene Creed [A.D. 325], and the Chalcedonian Creed [A.D. 451]). Recognizing the need for further clarity means that we affirm the 1689 London Baptist Confession as our doctrinal standard. While subservient to Scripture, we believe it to be an accurate summary of biblical doctrine.
All those who desire a church family that is warm and welcoming, with teaching that is clear and biblical, are welcome to worship with us.