Bi-Vocational Pastor

September 20, 2024
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

We are seeking a bi-vocational pastor/elder to serve alongside an existing fellow non-vocational pastor to lead the congregation. Founded in 1959, our church currently averages 60-70 in attendance. We are a Southern Baptist Church which seeks to be actively involved in our local association, the Greater Dayton Association of Baptists. We hold firmly to salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

We are a down-to-earth congregation striving to become increasingly faithful to the Scriptures in all matters of faith and practice. We are actively pursuing meaningful church membership and a New Testament model of biblical church leadership. Our church has an active and faithful Hispanic ministry/outreach to the community.

Our Sunday morning worship service is bilingual in English and Spanish, with sermons being translated from English to Spanish via in-ear hearing devices.


• Lead in the spiritual growth and development of our congregation, encouraging members to grow in Christlikeness (Romans 8:29), and equipping the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12).
• Prepare and deliver doctrinally-sound sermons which are faithful to the Scriptures and in accordance with our statement of faith (Baptist Faith and Message, 2000) a minimum of 3 times per month.
• Provide pastoral care and counseling to members of our congregation in times of need.
• Help oversee the administration and management of the church, including budgeting and financial management, staff management, and program development.
• Lead pastoral team and provide leadership and guidance to our church’s ministry groups.
• Lead by example by building relationships with members of our community and engaging in community outreach efforts to promote the church and its mission.

• Meet biblical qualifications as required in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
• A deep commitment to Christ and a passion for God’s glory and the gospel.
• Ability to devote 15-20 hours per week to the work of ministry.
• Willing to be a co-laborer with an existing pastor/elder who is in full agreement with the Baptist Faith and Message (2000) and in general agreement with the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
• Willing to be actively engaged in the church’s Hispanic ministry, reaching out to the local Hispanic population, and seeking ways to integrate the English and Spanish speaking ministries.
• Fluency in Spanish a plus, but not required.

With a population of just over 4,000, Medway is located just a short drive from larger cities like Dayton and Springfield, as well as Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Fairborn.

If you have a heart for faithfully serving Christ and His church, we encourage you to apply for this position. We look forward to hearing from you!