Worship Pastor

April 1, 2024
Application ends: August 1, 2025
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Job Description


Perimeter Road Baptist Church (PRBC) is a 36-year-old, Elder-led, congregational fellowship seeking a full-time Worship and College Pastor. PRBC is an SBC fellowship committed to the Cooperative Program and support of missions and soundness of SBC institutions for promoting the gospel and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ both locally and throughout the world. Candidates must be born again believers, committed to personal growth in Christ-likeness, the expansion of the Kingdom of God through biblical evangelism and missions, and the development of the body of believers through discipleship and use of spiritual gifts. Candidates must possess a theological vision for Christian-congregational worship that is Trinitarian focused and Biblically-centered. Worship should focus on the fullness of the revelation of the triune God worshipping the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit centered on Scripture. The goal of every worship service is to direct the congregation Godward by exalting Christ who is not only the object of our worship but also our great High Priest and ultimate worship leader (Hebrews 2:10-13).

• Plan, lead, and support all PRBC worship services.
• Develop the liturgy, along with the Lead Pastor, for weekly services.
• Oversee and lead Worship Team rehearsals to include, but not limited to:
• Band
• Vocalists
• Tech Team (ie: sound, lighting, video, projection, etc.)
• Partnership with respective ministry staff, facilitate the development of other worship teams as needed. (ie: children’s ministries and student ministries, etc.)
• Plan, lead, and support special events such as:
• Worship Conferences
• Holiday Celebrations
• Choosing theologically sound songs and hymns that are gospel-centered.
• Preparing Word-driven liturgies.
• Songs, Scripture Readings, Prayers, Confessions and Creeds
• Leading and encouraging the growth of theological understanding among the Worship Team.
• Pastoral responsibilities may include Bible teaching, discipleship, visitation, and counseling.
• Help develop a strong theology of worship through education and practice.
• Oversee the spiritual needs of the congregation.
• Facilitate and encourage robust corporate worship.
• Shape the culture of the Worship Team in light of the vision and values of PRBC.
• Develop and mentor current and future worship leaders.
• Meet one-on-one with Worship Team members for fellowship and spiritual formation.

• Recruit, train, schedule, and evaluate Worship Team members.
• Create weekly Order of Service using planning software.
• Schedule staff and volunteers.
• Maintain church website and podcast feed.
• Participate in all scheduled staff meeting and staff development opportunities.
• Continue to grow in the understanding and implementation of support systems for worship such as lighting, sound, presentation software, planning software and other components that will support the overall strength of the Worship Team and worship environment.
• Develop a recommended annual ministry action plan and budget for the Worship Arts Ministry.
• Willing, at the direction of the Senior Pastor, to serve in any other area of ministry or service at PRBC.