Executive Director and Treasurer, Alaska Baptist Resource Network

January 8, 2025
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

The Executive Director is elected by the Alaska Baptist Resource Network with the responsibility of managing its programs, properties, and personnel according to the policies of the Convention. The director shall serve as the treasurer of the funds of the Convention, appropriating expenditures in accordance with the budget and the policies of the Convention. The director shall report quarterly to the Executive Board in the manner they shall prescribe for him.

1. Administer and oversee the operations of the Alaska Baptist Resource Network as approved by the appropriate committee of the Executive Board and the Alaska Baptist Resource Network.
a. The budget and financial accounting.
b. The designation of funds.
c. The use of the Convention properties.
d. The record-keeping system.
e. The Alaska Baptist Milepost.
f. Serve as the Cooperative Program and Stewardship resource person for the Convention.
g. Other programs that are not assigned to a Director Staff person.
h. Serve on the Alaska Baptist Foundation Trustee Board and the Alaska Baptist Family Service (currently known as Birchwood Behavioral Health) Board of Directors.
i. Review, initial, and date bank reconciliation statements.

2. Supervise the staff of the Alaska Baptist Resource Network.
a. Provide a support system for all staff.
b. Provide professional growth opportunities for all staff.
c. Provide guidance to staff for the fulfillment of their assignments.
d. Provide reasonable limitations to the staff in travel scheduling and time investments in projects.
e. Provide at least quarterly staff meetings for calendar coordination and team building with the Director Staff and Operation and Finance Administrator.
f. Provide an annual evaluation of each staff person and their performance based on their personal and professional goals.
g. Provide at least quarterly meetings for Administrative Staff to coordinate job assignments, team building, and planning.
h. Develop an annual Staff retreat to involve Director Staff and Administrative Staff.
i. Leave the Director Staff person in charge during the Executive Director’s absence.

3. Coordinate the programs of the Alaska Baptist Resource Network.
a. Give general coordination to all programs of the ABRN through the Network calendar.
b. Coordinate the mission programs of the Network.
c. Work with the Network’s agencies, directors, and their programs concerning the total ABRN program in Alaska.
d. Coordinate the programs of the ABRN with the associations and churches of Alaska.
e. Provide a strategy for making evangelism, missions, and discipleship/enrichment a priority in Alaska.
f. Provide assistance to and guidance to the Executive Board for major strategy and long-range planning to achieve major objectives.
g. Provide channels for the Staff to plan their program assignment with identifiable objectives.
h. Assist the associations and churches with resources for strategic planning and development both short and long-term.
i. Provide input on strategy development for Southern Baptist Convention agencies.
j. Provide input opportunities for the churches in designing a strategy of advance.

4. Maintain and improve relations.
a. Work closely with the associations, their elected officers, and leaders to meet the needs of each association.
b. Strive to work closely with each church and mission, their pastor, and lay leadership, to support them in their ministries and to achieve their goals.
c. Seek to work closely with the Southern Baptist Convention agencies to provide them the opportunity to be a blessing to the churches and associations of the ABRN.
d. Work closely with the people of Alaska, both in its private and public sectors, to maintain a worthy witness for Christ and the Alaska Baptist Resource Network.
e. Work with the Alaska Baptist Foundation Trustees and the Alaska Baptist Family Services (currently known as Birchwood Behavioral Health) Board of Directors to strengthen their ministries and educate Alaska Baptist people about their services.
f. Perform ministerial duties when called upon by a church/mission/church plant/preaching point affiliated with the ABC and conduct services such as revivals, graduations, weddings, funerals, ordinations, or interim pastorate for up to six months. The director staff must be ordained, licensed, or commissioned.

Desired Qualifications:
1. A graduate of an accredited college or university.
2. A graduate of an accredited seminary.
3. Express a clear testimony of personal faith in Jesus Christ and a call into full-time Christian ministry.
4. Have and be able to express a clear vision for Alaska Baptist work.
5. Possess a proven background of leadership and supervision of professional staff within the last three years in a local church or at a denominational level.
6. Understanding of and ability to inspire team building.
7. A deep commitment to and the understanding of the Cooperative Program.
8. Successful experience in new work areas or emerging Conventions.
9. Denominational awareness, experience, and cooperation.
10. Skilled in administration, speaking, conducting, and planning meetings.
11. Proven ability to adapt to unusual places and experiences.
12. Knowledge of budgeting, calendar planning, and coordinating several projects simultaneously.
13. Demonstrate servant leadership and a commitment to evangelism and church planting.
14. Family is supportive of the ministry to which he is being called.

A resume/letter of interest may be sent to Bruce Rowell, President, ABRN. Contacts will be received through midnight February 15, 2025. A job description and desired qualifications are available on request.