Teaching Elder

September 27, 2024
Application deadline closed.

Job Description

Job Description – GRBC Teaching Elder

The character, theology, and philosophy of ministry required of the pastor are contained in the core values of the Teaching Elder Transition Plan. His education must include a Masters of Divinity or comparable degree. He will become a GRBC member and be exemplary in fulfilling all membership expectations, including participation in all corporate services.

Duties: Ministry of the Word. The teaching elder will…

The teaching elder will handle the majority of the preaching load, and will be relieved of preaching duties at least once a quarter to ensure time for rest, spiritual renewal, and focus on other pastoral responsibilities. This rotation will allow for a balanced and sustainable approach to ministry while providing opportunities for other elders to exercise their preaching gifts.
Fill pulpit supply requests of GRBC from other churches, pending elder approval.
Observe and participate in Church Membership classes.

Prayer: Engage in intercessory prayer for the congregation, community, and the nations.
Participate in hospital, nursing home, hospice, rehab visitation to pray for the sick and infirmed.

Counseling: Observe and provide marital, premarital, pre-engagement, and other spiritual counseling to members of the congregation as needed and as strategic.

Officiating: Observe (if applicable) and participate in officiating weddings, funerals, infant dedications, membership covenant ceremonies, believer’s baptism, Lord’s Supper, etc.

* Be affirmed by the vote of the congregation as a GRBC elder, and will participate in all collective elder activity, including elder and elder/deacon meetings and retreats.
* Serve on an Elder/Deacon group (care groups)
* Serve as a small group leader as needed
* Serve ex-officio on the Adult Christian Education team
* Attend church staff meetings
* During the first year visit to observe and become familiar with the work of various ministry teams, including, the children’s ministry team, youth ministry team, deacons, budget team, mission team, outreach team.
* When asked/approved by the elders, represent GRBC by attending local, state, national Reformed Baptist Network gatherings, as well as strategic community meetings.

EDUCATION: Master of Divinity or equivalent degree preferred; well-read and committed to ongoing learning and growth.

EXPERIENCE: Five or more years of ministry experience (pastoral, missionary, chaplaincy, etc.). Proven and/or potential capabilities in all pertinent phases of pastoral ministry.

CAPABILITIES: Ability to rightly interpret the Scriptures and preach them expositorily with an emphasis on relating the breadth of Scripture to the life of the listener. Able to relate to a wide spectrum of ages and communicate effectively. Brings a team approach to ministry that is based on a relational style of leadership. Skilled in listening as well as speaking.